Greater Law Firm Brisbane can assist you with your Drug Driving charge.
The penalties for Drug Driving in Queensland vary, depending upon the concentration in your system, your previous traffic history, and the class and status of your driver's licence.
For example, an open licence holding first time offender charged with Drive Whilst Relevant Drug Present, meaning traces were found in your system but you were not under the influence of drugs, faces a maximum 9 month licence disqualification, with a Mandatory Minimum 1 month licence disqualification.
Where eligible, open Queensland licence holders can apply for a Work Licence, which will permit you to drive for work purposes only during your court ordered licence disqualification.
First time Drive Under the Influence of a Drug offenders face a maximum lifetime licence disqualification, with a Mandatory Minimum 6 month licence disqualification.
No work licence eligibility exist for Under the Influence offences, only Drive Whilst Relevant Drug Present.
P Platers face a Mandatory Minimum 3 month licence disqualification for first time Drive Whilst Relevant Drug Present offending, and no work licence eligibility applies to P Platers.
Penalties escalate where a person has previous history of Drink or Drug Driving within the last 5 years.
The Greater Law Firm Brisbane team are highly successful in obtaining the Mandatory Minimum applicable licence disqualifications, and where eligible, Work Licences for our clients.
If you face a DUI Drink Driving or Drug Driving charge, we strongly recommend you make contact with Greater Law Firm Brisbane today.